Monday, April 27, 2009

cheating through text messages

Read the title ? it's kinda self explainatory... i don't get it, if you seem so faithful around others and the person your with, why even bother to waste the mins you use to type a text message which can be forwarded to anyone who has a cell phone a.k.a everyone in this universe. Cheating is the lowest of all lows; and i know, i know both sexes are guilty put seriously people (ahem, kenny) text messages ?


  1. LMAO I was so confused when I first started reading this...I had no idea you were talking about kenny. But I looovvveee how your first certified blog is about cheating lol...and so is the second.

  2. lol omfg i just noticed that both of my first blogs were about cheating haha, whats wrong with me ?! lol

  3. LOL @ both of you.

    Texting is the shiit.

    The thing is you only text to set things up...NEVER put self-incriminating things in your text messages, cause women will abuse that!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Alfred! GTFOH! Lol he's right though.

    But idk Jen..I looked at mines & they were all about men! WTF? lol
